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Macintosh Picture Format  |  1997-02-28  |  40KB  |  432x324  |  8-bit (88 colors)
Labels: dialog box | hakham | hydrogen bomb | sky
OCR: -Bomh Mushroom Cloud About th: Nuclear Bomh When the United States dropped this deadly weapon on Japan ir August 1945, World War II quickly came in end The program to build the atomic bomb or bomb had been launc hed in the U.S after the great scientist Albert Einstein exp lained the military uses for nucl lear energy to President Franklin Roose velt in 1939. "Little Boy the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima. and "Fat Man, the plutonium bormb that devastated Nagasa ki just three davs ater produced massi ve, atomic fireballs of ra dioactive dust and rubble ushon dent Frarklin ittle days